Our Church History
How Did Bean Creek Missionary Baptist Church Get Its Name?
According to legend…..the creek flowing through the community was just an ordinary creek until a man riding a pack horse decided to ride through. He had a bag of beans to spill as he was riding. When this sack of beans burst, the beans began to fall into the creek below. In due time, the beans started to grow in and around the creek. The beans were plentiful. You could literally go down to the creek and pick you a good mess of beans. What else could you call this community with an abundance of beans in their creek? “Bean Creek”
Bean Creak Missionary Baptist Church History
The earliest record regarding B.C.M.B.C. is found at the W.C. Court House in Cleveland, Ga. The clerk’s office records show that on October 29, 1863 J.H. Nichols desired to promote the worship of Almighty God. He deeded one acre of land for the sum of $10.00 in the center of which the Bean Creek Church now stands. The trustees receiving the land at that time were James Alston, Green Alston, Prince Wiley Reubin, Jarrett Jones, and Wiley Jones.
A building was located across the road from the current church. A log cabin was there that was thought have been built my Native Americans. It was used for church service for a short time. (20 years).
The Sautee Nacoochee district nominations to the National Register of Historic places include the 1862 missionary Baptist Church and nearby Bean Creek Cemetery. Located at the cemetery are sunken graves, headstones, and field stones that mark African American resting places from early 1800 to the present. Today we celebrate 159 years of Bean Creek Missionary Baptist Church of African American.
The Union Middle River Missionary Baptist Association was established here at Bean Creek, with nine to ten churches coming together to serve the Lord. The church that was built in the community has no record of an exact date of when it was built. It was built with a big high celling, wood frame, white building with the front door facing south. Inside was a 3 column of pews wormed with a big pot belly wood burning stove in the middle of the floor with kerosene lanterns for lights.
Ministers who pastored in that church included; Simon Nicely, George and Bill Hebert, Mr. Phillips, Matthew Force, J.P. Benson, Ed Thomas, F. P. Perkins and Arthur Allen.
In 1955 the present church was built. Rev. Arthur Allen, from Atlanta, Georgia, was the pastor. Church Deacons at that time were George Jarrett, Jim Austin, and Columbus Nicely. Throughout the years, many other Deacons served the ministry here. They were; Allen Nicely, Billy Nicely, Calvin Nicely, Joe Banks Sr., and Leonard Dorsey. During this time, service was only held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Several preachers were ordained here at Bean Creek Missionary Baptist Church. Jim Trammell, Joe Trammell, Bill Joe Jenkins Sr. were all ordained at the BCMC, but did not pastor at the church.
Pastors that served after Arthur Allen were E.E. Moore, Hubert Cuyler, R.C. Strickland, Franklin Winters, and Anthony Hudson. In 1990 Anthony Hudson was pastor when the church acquired additional property for the church cemetery. In 1992 W.I. Gober was interim pastor for a while. Roy Felts became pastor in late 1992. Under his leadership, the Library and Pastor’s Study were added. Other significant structural improvements were made as well. Improvements were made to the church steeple.
In 1993 the church chose Rev. Ann Nicely as interim pastor to serve in the vacant position. Rev. Willie Norman and other ministers served the congregation until 2001. Rev. Joe Banks, Jr. became full time pastor in 2001. During this time, several more improvements were made to the church. The P.A. system was up graded and the baptismal pool was built. Up until 2003, baptizing customarily took place in the creek across from the church, or near the Covered Bridge. Sometimes other churches would allow Bean Creek members to use their Baptismal pool. Baptism was held annually after revival, the fourth Sunday in August.
Present Day
In February 2011, God sent us Reverend, Dr. Eugene Harbin as pastor. On March 2011, Rev. Harbin answered the call and he is still currently the pastor of Bean Creek Missionary Baptist Church. On July 16, 2017 Ricky Johnson was ordained as deacon. Sunday School and Worship Services are held every Sunday morning. Every fifth Sunday a fellowship breakfast and Sunday School is held.
Bean Creek is a very small church with a big heart, and a congregation that shares God’s love. The church has weathered the storm for 157 years. The Church is a beacon of hope and inspiration to all men and women. We cannot and must not forget the members gone on before us. Like, Mother Lucille Dorsey, church clerk for 47 years. Bobby Trammell, the Sunday School Superintendent for 38 years. Deacon Nicely, who gave his all till death.
Therefor my beloved brethren be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work
of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I Corinthian 15:58 (NKJV)